Visual CD Version 1.7 Readme

Copyright © 2002-2004 Budy Setiawan Kusumah

All Rights Reserved


This document contains last-minute notes for installing Visual CD. For a brief description of Visual CD, see the "Introduction" topic of the Visual CD Help file. To view this, start Visual CD, choose Contents from the Help menu.


1 Getting Started

After you have installed Visual CD, the End User License Agreement (License.txt) for Visual CD is available for reference in the Visual CD Application folder.



2 System Requirements

In order to run Visual CD properly, your computer have to meet these following requirement:


Operating System Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000 and XP
Processor PC with a Processor 100 MHz or faster
Available Hard Disk Space1 5 MB (100 MB free on system drive after the installation)
Video 800 x 600 pixel, 256 colors (recomended: 1024 x 768 pixel, High Color 16-bit)
Mouse Mouse or compatible pointing device
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive2 Required



  1. When you start the Visual CD installer, the default installation location is your system drive, which is the drive that boots your system. However, you can install the application on any drive. Regardless of the application's location, the installation process installs some files on your system drive. Consequently, ensure that the required amount of space identified in the tables above is available on your system drive regardless of the application's location, and ensure that additional space is available on the drive on which you install the application.
  2. A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM is required based on the type of media provided with the product.
  3. To display HTML Help, your computer must have both HTML Help components and Microsoft Internet Explorer layout engine components installed.



3 Installing Visual CD


To install Visual CD

  1. Close all open applications to prevent additional reboots during setup.
  2. Go to Visual CD Setup folder.
  3. Double click on Setup.exe or viscd170.exe.
  4. Follow the instructions.


To uninstall Visual CD

  1. Close all open applications to prevent additional reboots during setup.
  2. Go to Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs.
  3. Choose Visual CD.
  4. Click on Add/Remove button.
  5. Follow the instructions.



4 Grant of License

Visual CD is FREEWARE and may be distributed on the condition that it is distributed in full and unchanged, and that no fee is charged for such distribution with the exception of reasonable shipping and media charged. Notification would be greatly appreciated but is not required.



5 Disclaimer of Warranty

Visual CD is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. The author cannot be responsible for any data lost, changes to the system, special or consequential damages arising that this software could eventually make.



6 Legal Information